If you truly want to achieve your goals then alongside building new “GOOD” habits, we have to learn how to ditch the “BAD” habits.
Losing weight, getting ahead at work, improving relationships are not just about doing, there’s plenty we need to STOP doing if we want to be successful.
We need to STOP overeating, STOP procrastinating, STOP getting worked up over things that really don’t matter.
Not being able to STOP is normally what keeps us from becoming the person we really want to be.
We need help – we need strategies that actually work.
Thankfully, you can rig the game with this simple little trick thats been “scientifically proven” to work.
Let’s imagine you are watching what you eat, trying to lose weight.
You’re out for a nice meal at your favourite restaurant.
Picking a healthy choice from the starters and mains was a doddle, and your feeling good.
The waiter then asks would you like dessert? “We have an amazing triple chocolate, galaxy caramel cake with ice cream. Would you like to try it?”
Would you think to yourself:
“I can’t eat chocolate cake.”
“I don’t eat chocolate cake.”
If you think there’s no real difference, you couldn’t be more wrong.
Don’t and can’t may seem similar, but they are very different psychologically.
Psychologists have learned over the years, that even seemingly subtle differences in language can have very powerful affects on our thoughts, feelings and behavior.
I don’t is experienced as a choice, so it feels empowering.
It’s an affirmation of your determination and willpower.
I can’t isn’t a choice – it’s a restriction, it’s being imposed upon you.
Think back to any time you have been restricted in the past?
Restrictive diets set you up to fail.
It only makes you desire it more.
This exact strategy has been tried and tested on women just like you, and the results are a no brainer.
The first study based on healthy eating showed 64% who said I don’t choose the healthier option compared to only 39% who said I can’t.
In another study women where encouraged to say either I don’t or I can’t when they where tempted to lapse from their healthy routine, going to the gym, eating donuts etc.
By the study’s end, 8 out of the 10 women using the I don’t strategy were still using it successfully, while only 1 of the 10 who used I can’t lasted that long.
The beautiful thing about using this strategy is that it could not be easier – every time you catch yourself thinking I can’t have this, or I can’t do that, simply say No, I don’t do this, instead.
You got this, your strong and you don’t eat chocolate cake…
Well maybe just a little bit ;)