Is it doing 20 press ups in a row?
Running 10k in 45 minutes?
Completing a marathon with a muddy obstacle course thrown in and pushing your body to its ultimate limits?
What about the strength of your character?
Willpower and the strength to keep going whatever the side effects may be?
Strength surrounds every aspect of our lives.
Emotionally and physically.
It comes from within.
We use our physical strength on a daily basis.
Carrying shopping, cleaning the house, getting in and out of bed.
We use our emotional strength also on a daily basis.
Getting yourself up and ready for work even though you really want to stay in bed.
Putting a smile on your face and patiently waiting until you get home to scream into your pillow.
It took me a long time to believe that I was strong.
When I first joined Reactive Training as a client, I was a little weakling.
Couldn’t do a press up, nor run for any longer than 30 sec and I gave up, a lot.
3 years on and ill challenge anyone to a press up competition, completed a few 10k runs and a half marathon, and hitting some bad ass numbers on the weights.
But it has taken a lot more than just my physical strength to get there.
I had to fight with my head to get through sessions.
I wrestled with the bed covers to go to the gym.
I used to think I couldn’t do it and had a few tantrums.
But there was a fire inside me that got me through to the end.
I would always remind myself of why I started.
When you were a baby and you wanted a toy that was out of reach, you set a goal to get it.
Your brain and your body would coordinate the movements and the strength to help you get that toy.
You see it.
You want it.
You reach for it.
You crawl towards it.
You roll towards the toy.
You reach and you get it.
It is not an easy journey at all.
And it can take a long time progressing through each phase.
But you use your strength, inner and outer, to get there.
In fact, crawling is one of my favorite exercises to do.
Not only is it physically and mentally challenging, its a lot of fun too.
We do a lot of crawling, rolling around on the floor and hanging on bars in our sessions.
Yeah they are very basic movements but they are ones we have lost a lot of ability in over the years.
Most women don’t have the confidence to even get down on the floor on their hands and knees never mind crawl.
Putting their mind and body to the ultimate test.
Having the strength to physically do it and the inner strength and belief that they can do it.
Your stronger than you think…
Maria “StrongWoman” Campbell