Why We Do What We Do…
First let me explain what we do then I’ll explain why we do it ;)
At Reactive our sole aim is to make you “BETTER”.
Better can be subjective, and my better might not be the same […]
Bet You Can’t Stop Using This Foolproof Weight Loss Trick…
If you truly want to achieve your goals then alongside building new “GOOD” habits, we have to learn how to ditch the “BAD” habits.
Losing weight, getting ahead at work, improving relationships are not just about […]
Everyone Want’s To Be A 10 But If You’re Less Than An 8 Your F**ked…
We do this exercise called the “Get Back Up” at our Group Personal Training sessions.
Everyone hates it.
Top 5 Mistakes Everyone Makes When Trying To Lose Weight…
You finally decide to take the plunge and do something once and for all to tackle your muffin top and bingo wings…
You’re super motivated, you even buy some new workout clothes as 2016 is gonna […]
Holiday’s Are Coming…
It’s almost time, you can already feel it in the air…
Holiday’s are coming ;)
Holidays should be a time for you to kick back and relax, take a well earned break.
It’s also a time of fear, […]
Are You Getting Better?
Do you ever feel like no matter what you do nothings happening?
Like results just seem to take forever?
This fitness malarky ain’t easy, for the simple reason we over complicate and can’t see the forest for […]
Time Of The Month…
What haven’t we used the menstrual cycle as an excuse for?
Uncontrollable chocolate cravings to shoplifting.
Its even been used by lawyers to seek lesser penalties!
The major shifts a woman experiences throughout her cycle can have a […]
You’re Not Fat…
Today I want to tell you a few secrets that you can use right away to feel amazing.
I want you to think about how YOU see and speak to yourself?
Then think about how this makes you FEEL?
This […]
Bah Humbug…
It’s that time of year, you know dark mornings and dark nights…
It’s like winter just sucks the motivation from everyone.
Combine this with the good old Scottish outlook on life and you have a winning combination…
For […]
Common Sense, Is Not Common…
Did you know I work in education?
I still teach part time at a local college in Glasgow.
Teaching fitness mostly and occasionally some sports coaching.
Just incase you’re anything like my mother who thinks teaching fitness is […]